School of Nursing- Being a senator who represents the nursing students

2018. 10. 13. 13:53일터:창업과 취업


It's been just two months that I got approved to study in nursing of my school.

My major was premedical health for 2 years, and I changed my career just before this semester starts.

It was quite a quick process than I thought to transfer to another major.

Still, for me, it is a continuous war to live on the campus and pursue what I want to do.

Every day I wake up in the morning in a different place where I am not accustomed.

When I see around my quiet room, the area is filled with a silent wind blowing.

Sometimes, raindrops on the wall of a unit next to our unit make me look back the day

when I have lived with grandmother on the top of the small town.

I could watch the sound of raindrops through the window which is perfect to block the fresh sound.

Anyway, the brief story above symbolizes the brief rest of my American life before starting a new day.

More the atmosphere I am residing in becomes emotional,

more I feel comfortable to throw my weak and mild ego out into this space.

As taking care of the personalities which no one knows those kind of features are inherent in my world, I expand my other ego which is usually shown to the world. In real world, I live with different appearance and emotion state.

I do not want to say those are not showing real me.

In other words, those are the things that I am eager to use as representive properties. 

'Senator' involves lots of meanings in it, but, at first, that is fascinatiog word for me to get.

It will be even harder to fulfill my duty and I could expect what challenges will wait for me.

However, I could not wait until I become a fancy leader.

I could practice and study to be a smart person, but I can also be recognized as the smart person and keep practicing and studying.

Actually, as we all know, the perfect status is not present so there is no only way to success and define the perfect status.
